Wrapped around each other, Corcey and Sophia moved in unison, desperately trying to achieve the impossible speed needed.  Her mouth was dry from panting, but the rest of her body slick with perspiration.  So was his: she had to dig her nails into his back to gain a grip to hold on to him.  Long rake marks already marred the contours of his spine, but the pleasure of other sensations drowned out the pain from her clawing.

      ,,,almost there,,,  ,,,almost there,,,

Both chanted that as a tantric mantra, helping each other along as they greedily took it themselves.  Her eyes were closed, teetering on the brink of ecstasy and was suddenly pushed into it as she felt the thick hardness inside of her reach so deep that in tipped her over the edge.  Somehow a bleating of euphoria escaped from her as Corcey vampirically bit her throat in his release.  Both moaned Lovers vows in Latin as he erupted into her forever and ever.  Her internal muscles tightened around him, and for a brief moment, they felt the other’s ecstasy along with their own.  The male and the female had become as one.

It was a full minute before he unlocked his jaws from her slender neck.  He had no energy: he had surrendered it all into her.  Breathing in ragged gasps, he tried to roll off her.  With effort, he withdrew himself, feeling the comforting tender tightness disappear as he did so.

His heart still pounded maniacally.

     ...thump...  ...thump...  ...thump...

He collapsed on his side and studied his lover.

Sophia wasn’t looking quite like herself.

Her skin was turning a dark, ugly red, and things were sprouting, lengthening, altering.  Her fingers grew longer, more slender, the nails mutating into talons.  A membranous wing was erupting from her back, and there were protrusions where another tried to force its way out.

From between her legs, fluid appeared.  White, lumpy, moving with a means of its own.  It suddenly began to fly out and splash onto his leg.  A section of the substance would hit and remain anchored while the force of motion would cause the rest to expend lengthwise.  The pattern of landing was identical each time, and every drop he had fountained out was coming back to haunt him.  When a drop had elongated to about an inch’s length, it began to solidify.  The front tip darkened, and the form began to segment.


Soon there were a half dozen on him, crawling inchworm style.

And then one began to burrow into the flesh of his leg.  Another started coring in, and then another.  His thigh began rippling as the things worked their way along just below the surface.  Slowly they began to emerge, eating their way back to the top.  Their forms were now red, the colour of the meat and fluid they had tunneled through. The maggot-things wormed their way along, leaving gory trails in their wake as they again bored into his thigh.

But other things were crawling out of the holes consumed by the maggots.  They were very small, but grew with unbelievable speed.  They looked vaguely human.  A huge, bloated head with fly-like eyes rested atop a skeletal body with ghastly vomit-green flesh tightly wrapped around it.  The rib cage was hollow.  The first one to fight its way out rolled on its back in an obscenely fetal position until it had sufficiently enlarged.  When it was a quarter of an inch long, it rolled over onto what would have been its hands and knees, opened its mouth, and began to consume the body beneath it.  Like the maggot-thing that had birthed it, it ate its way downward, turning red as it did so.  After only a few moments, it chewed its way out, having grown twice as large.  A tiny maggot larvae slithered out behind it.

That was the cycle.  In a very short eternity, the horrors had quintupled their numbers with no sign of stopping.  They had infested all of one leg, and had begun work on his lower abdomen when the Sophia-Thing next to him leaned over and whispered into his ear.

“You’d better get moving before you’re arrested for loitering.”


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