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The Return of Son of “Pop Quiz”



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1. Who did King Henry VIII accuse of giving him syphillus (from constantly whispering in his ear)? 


2. What U.S. Government organization spent over one million dollars a year (until 1991) on psychic advisors?

3.  Who was Time Magazine’s “Man of the Year” in 1938?

(bonus: who got it for ’39?)




1.  Three crows are sitting on a wire.  I shoot one of them.  How many are left on the wire?


2.  An airplane leaves New York, traveling east at 500 mph.  At the same time, another airplane leaves Paris, traveling west at 350 mph.  When the two planes meet, which will be closer to Paris?


3.  Using only two numbers, what is the largest number that can be written?   




1.  What was unusual about Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe’s nose?


2.  Before the Europeans discovered the Pacific, what was the largest ocean on Earth?


3.  Kirk vs. Picard, in whatever format you want (phasers, flavored toothpicks, etc.)  





1.  What type of paper is the Declaration of Independance written on?


2.  What was the first book Guttenberg printed on his press?   


3.  What famous writer’s last words were “Either the wallpaper goes, or I do!” ?    




bonus round

(1 point per, 2 if correct, 3 answers maximum)

Name a performer at the original (’69) Woodstock.